Monday, May 11, 2009

SD&T Cohort's First Online meeting

In the Resources section of the blog, I placed the link to the archived meeting held by the Staff Development & Training cohort on February 11th. To access the recording, click on the link. When you are prompted to enter a name, enter your name and then click on Enter. Wait a few minutes as the recording has to load. Then just sit back and listen. The slides will advance on their own and you will hear the Cohort members talk. Kate T.

Let's Blog!

I really enjoyed visiting with you during your meeting this morning. Thanks for all of your great feedback. In order to continue the momentum that you started this morning in thinking about different ways that MCPL staff can meet, Parker asked me to create a BLOG. So here is the first prototype.

Even though the minutes from the meeting are not ready to post yet, you can still post your own comments about what Group #3 suggested this morning: The Learning Organization could use a BLOG to post the minutes.

And what I'd like for you to think about and then BLOG for others to read, is what you think the online meeting ground norms should be for MCPL. We have ground norms that we follow when we meet face-to-face, but what should the ground norms be for meeting online? Should they be the same, different or a blend? Post your comments and thoughts to this blog. Your thoughts can be shared during the Learning Organization's next meeting.

During our discussion this morning, I mentioned MERLIN. That's On this site you will find the State-wide online training calendar. Click on calendars>state training. Look for the "Learn How to Learn Online" class. This is a class all online using the Horizon Wimba platform. Once you are introduced to this platform through this class, you can take other courses listed on the calendar. All of them are online too! Each branch has at least one headset to use for this class.

Thanks again for your feedback! See you online! Kate T.